Sonny Bigsmoke
Kalispel Business Committee and Facility Manager

Sonny Bigsmoke is a first-term councilman for the Kalispel Tribe of Indians, his dedication to serving his people is a trait passed down from his ancestors, as his family tree shares lineage with the last documented chiefs.
His commitment to help fellow Kalispel is clear through the work his crews have accomplished. He holds the role of Facility Manager for the Tribe and oversees our carpentry crews. Under his tenure crews have accomplished an array of construction projects that benefit Tribal Members and the community; from the elder’s center in Usk, to remodeling classrooms for the immersion school in Cusick, to multiple additions to members’ homes on & off the Kalispel reservation.
Sonny’s commitment to provide the resources his department offers to all members is clear, the work has taken his crew from Spokane to Airway Heights, and as far as the Spokane Indian Reservation. The work is focused on the needs of our elders and youth, and many elders home have been retrofitted for healthy and safety needs.
Sonny started in landscape construction, nearly two decades ago, the knowledge and skills he has learned are an asset to the Tribe, he also has minors in plumbing and electrical and is dedicated to serving his people.
Sonny, and his wife Jeannie have four children and live in Spokane Washington.