The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Community Planning

The Tribe’s Department of Planning and Public Works provides direct services to tribal members and the general community. Our primary goal is to improve our community’s overall quality of life.

Working in concert with our tribal membership, solutions are developed and implemented to address a variety of needs and opportunities. Some of the services that we provide include the tribe’s housing needs, our transportation network, current and long-range planning functions, the tribes realty program, economic development, grant writing, utility management, facility construction/maintenance, grounds maintenance, and housekeeping services.

What We Do

Public Works coordinates in concert with the Planning department to accomplish the goals and priorities of the Tribe and Tribal Council. This is done through a wide variety of services performed by a staff of up to 24 full-time employees and as many as 15 additional seasonal employees.

Project & Construction Management

The public works department, working together with the planning department, provides a wide variety of project and construction management services. This can range from contract administration; grant fund administration and reporting, construction management, and project permitting. We provide essential in-house services to tribal government and external services to community members including housing rehabilitation, facilities management, construction cost estimating, and general construction.

Kalispel Park & Pow Wow Grounds

Fall 2022

In the coming weeks construction equipment will be moving in to both the Pow Wow grounds and Kalispel Park, bringing new playground equipment, new basketball courts and new lighting!

Our Partners:

Design and Installation: NW Playgrounds
Site Prep: KTI Roads Dept & Versatile Industries
Concrete: WM Winkler & Bacon Concrete
Project Management: KTI Planning & Public Works

2018 Transportation Plan

Approved Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

Approved by the Kalispel Tribal Council 2018

World Caribou Day - 6.6.24

Mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus) occupied the Selkirk Mountains for as long as seventy-five thousand years, it’s only been half a decade since the last of the Southern Selkirk Mountain herd…

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