The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Tribal Resources

The core purpose and mission of the Kalispel Tribal government is to provide for its members.

If you are a Kalispel Tribal member and you have a need, we are here for for you, wether it’s Children & Family services, Mental & Physical Wellness, Addiction Services, Education or Career Training, we are committed to ensuring that all Kalispel Tribal members have the resources they need to live long, full and prosperous lives.

Children & Family Services

The Social Services Department provides an array of services to the Kalispel Indian community promoting self sufficiency and providing preventative services, reunification efforts and education to children and families. Social Services collaborates with tribal, local and state programs to serve children and families. The department includes: Emergency Services, Indian Child Welfare, Adult Protection, Seniors Nutrition and Rural Aging programs. Offices are located in both Airway Heights, WA. and Usk, WA. The social services programs are under the direct supervision of the Social Services Director.

Mental & Physical Wellness

The Kalispel Tribe’s Mental & Physical Health services is comprised of the Prevention Program, whose goal is to provide comprehensive prevention awareness in the areas of alcohol, drugs, violence, suicide, tobacco use and bullying; as well as the EAP – Employee Assistance Program which provides confidential counseling, and the Camas Path Mental Health program.

Addiction Services

Wether you, or a loved one are struggling with chemical dependency of other addictions including gambling, we have holistic programs at the Camas Path to help.


From Pre-K through Higher Education, the Kalispel Tribe stands behind it’s members one hundred percent. To learn more about our education services for Kalispel Tribal members, or to enroll in our programs, visit

Career Training

We believe in individuals economic prosperity and finding fulfilling careers, so we offer multiple career training programs, including the Pend Oreille Skills Center and the Kalispel Career Training Center. Visit to learn more.

People's Place

In keeping with its name, the People’s Place serves as a valuable resource for the entire community. Individuals may receive counseling, attend free classes and group meetings, and research topics in the library; all in a beautifully designed, home-like building located in a serene setting.  A sampling of classes includes canning, beading, gardening, and parenting skills.

World Caribou Day - 6.6.24

Mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus) occupied the Selkirk Mountains for as long as seventy-five thousand years, it’s only been half a decade since the last of the Southern Selkirk Mountain herd…

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