The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Shantel Whitford

Jun 26, 2024

Shantel Whitford

I am the Marketing Supervisor for the Kalispel Tribe.

I provide direct support for all of the Tribe’s North eight enterprises by running all social media such as FaceBook, Instagram, and Google my business. My other support includes ads, planning events such as Truck or Treat, and Kalispel Horn Contest. I also run the food blog for the Kalispel Market called Hunting and Gathering Made Easy.  I attend and support our enterprises at such events as Shot Show, The Bighorn Show, and The Great Outdoor Show. You know a jack of all trades doer of all the things


Briefly describe what you do all day.

I work with Donna Molvik to support our tribal businesses by Marketing and Promoting products and services. We run eight FB pages and six Instagram pages, so I spend a lot of time drafting content and gathering photos. We work on both Digital and print advertising for all the businesses and get to plan fun events like the Kalispel Horn Contest, Kalispel River Festival, and Kalispel Park Trunk or Treat!

What’s the best thing about your job?

Really, I do what I can each day to best support the business, it always changes and is something new every day! I love the fast pace! Working along with the other mangers to push our businesses to be successful is a great way to spend my day!

What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?

I think the vison of being such entrepreneurial people! We have so many “small” business that not only bring meaningful employment to our valley but also offer some great goods and services to our local valley. The Kalispel Market is a great example of this, with its fresh produce!

What does your workspace look like

This change every day! Sometimes I work from home or on the go, last week we had a commercial photo shoot for Kalispel Metal products, so I worked from there for two days. I love that I can be flexible like that, it helps me to better support our businesses.  I do have an office and I feel like I get the most done when I am at my desk!

What’s been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?

There are so many after working here for 15 years! I think this last change in my career, I have always been in food and beverage and moving to a new Department was a huge deal. Most important it allows me to see my kids more and spend more time as a family. I love the flexibility in my job, I can get work done and feel like I am making a difference for our business, but I am not missing out on their childhood!

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

Spend time with the family outdoors, doing projects around the house and cook and eat delicious food!

What inspires you?

My kids, we have five kids and I think setting the bar for them to do great things is always my main goal. Sometimes things do not work out how you plan and being able to adjust and move forward is something all kids need in their tool bag of life!

What advice would you give to younger tribal members?

Pick something you are passionate about and go from there, I love going to work everyday and overcoming the new challenges and celebrating the successes. There is always a work around if you try hard enough you will be successful!