The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Nicole Augustine

Jun 26, 2024

Nicole Augustine

My job title is Revenue Auditor and I work in the Kalispel Tribe Finance Department


  • Q: Tell us about your position with the Kalispel Tribe?
    My title is revenue auditor.  I collect and process finances.  I also do inventory for the local businesses we acquire.  As the auditor, I am responsible to investigate any peculiar values.  Sometimes I have to say ” I’m sorry honey your numbers do not add up”.
  • Q: What do you like most about working for Kalispel Tribe?
    I like my co-workers.  We really rely on each other to get our tasks accomplished.  We have great job chemistry and teamwork.
  • Q: What advice would you have to younger Tribal members?
    I would say that if you want something you just need to grab it with both hands and hold on until you have it firmly in your grips.  You will need to dedicate yourself if you really want it bad enough.
  • Q: What is your favorite event that Kalispel Tribe puts on?
    This is a tough one but I would say my overall number one is our annual Pow Wow.  I get a chance to see friends and family.  Catching up is the best part!
  • Q: When did you start employment with Kalispel Tribe?
    I started working for Kalispel Tribe when I was thirteen years old in the summer youth program. It was a great opportunity and I gained important skills and valuable knowledge.