The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Jocelin Nenema

Jun 26, 2024

What department do you work in and what is your job title?

I work at The Camas Center Clinic as a Certified Medical Assistant.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is being able to serve my community and the people.

What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?
The Kalispel Tribe is so giving and so willing to help in any situation. I am a proud Kalispel.

What does your workspace look like?

Depending on the day. Some days are mostly spent on the computer, some are spent nonstop moving and interacting with patients.

What has been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?

Some of my proudest moments are that I love hearing the community say they can always rely on the Kalispel Tribe. I truly believe that is what we are here for.

What are your hobbies?
Hunting with my favorite hunting partner (my dad), camping, and being with my family.

What or who inspires you?
My biggest inspirations are my mom Corrie (Johnson) and my dad David (Nenema).

What is your favorite event that Kalispel Tribe puts on?

Be proud of where you come from and take pride in who you are. Always be a hard worker.

What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?

Be a good listener.