The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Jessie Isadore

Jun 26, 2024

Jessie Isadore

I work in the Kalispel Tribe Language department as the Assistant Director.

What’s the best thing about your job?

It’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing. I love my job and the people that I work with. It’s a blessing to work with elders. My work is fulfilling and I’m grateful to be able to share it with the kids, the community, and other language programs.

What’s the best thing about Kalispel Tribe?

The Tribe has never lost sight of our vision. They truly do care about the people, surrounding communities and the environment.

What does your workspace look like?

I work in the language building. On any given day you can find me in my office, surrounded by Salish Curriculum, archival material, translations on post-it notes, and pictures of family and friends. The pictures and culturally significant items in my office are a subtle reminder of why I do the work that I do.

What’s been one of your proudest moments working at Kalispel Tribe?

Accepting the position of Assistant Director was something I was happy to share with my family. I take pride in my language preservation and revitalization work. It feels good knowing that our efforts today will benefit generations to come.

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

I love the outdoors and when the weather is nice you can find me near the water. I’ve become more of a homebody since COVID-19. I like to get lost in a good book or binge-watch documentaries.

What or who inspires you?

I have been fortunate enough to have some very influential role models and peers in my life. Each one of them aspires me to do more, to be better.

Fill in the blank: I once met…

… a guy that looked like Eddie Murphy  😉

How do you define success?

Reaching the goals that you have set for yourself. Making a positive influence and or impact on others.

What is your favorite event that Kalispel Tribe puts on?

The Celebrating Salish Conference is always a highlight of my year. So many people gathered with the same goal in mind.

What advice would you give to young Tribal members?

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. Our experiences make us who we are. Live and learn. You have everything you need to be successful.

What are five words (or less) of advice for others in your profession?

ta pistém̓ kʷ qes čmšqnmist. (Never give up)